CALI Adds New Family Law Lessons – More to Come
CALI has posted its first Family Law lessons on the CALI website. There are four lessons posted so far and many more to come…
- Alimony by Professor Cynthia Starnes from Michigan State,
- Classifying Special Types of Marital Property,
- Marriage Regulations, and
- Visitation and Relocation by Professor Janet Richards from the University of Menphis.
In addition to Professors Starnes and Richards, the other Family Law Fellows working on lessons are…
- Professor Len Biernat from Hamline,
- Andrea Charlow from Drake, and,
- Ruthann Robson – CUNY
Although the lessons are individually authored by the faculty, they review each others work and coordinate on topic selection and share ideas and insights. The lessons are also internally reviewed by CALI staff and they are anonymously reviewed by law faculty on the CALI Editorial Board. This is how CALI Fellowships work. (BTW, we are always looking for faculty with all kinds of subject matter expertise to join the CEB. Contact Deb Quentel –
The Family Law Fellows have worked exceptionally hard to create high quality computer tutorials for students taking Family Law in law school. These are not flashcards.
I have watched Deb Quentel (CALI’s Director of Curriculum Development and General Counsel) sweat blood over the materials in the CALI Lesson Library and I have been a lurker to some of the intense work that goes into authoring CALI lessons in the past. We at CALI are extremely proud of the work our authors do.
Look for more Family Law lessons to be posted in the coming months.