Maharg, McKellan, Bloxham and Barton on “Current E-learning Projects …Overview of What’s Happening in the UK” at Subtech 2006, Oslo

Here is another podcast of a presentation given at Subtech 2006 in Oslo, Norway on Friday, June 20, 2006.

The speakers were Paul Maharg, Pat McKellar, Sefton Bloxham and Karen Barton.

The title of the presentation was "Current E-learning Projects, and Also a ‘state ofplay’ Presentation: Overview of What’s Happening in the UK Currently as Regards Legal Education, and Where the Possible Futures of the Discipline Lie".

The powerpoints for the presentation are here.

Paul Maharg blogs about it here.

From the viewpoint of this American, the Brits are doing amazing things with technology that is deeply relevant and intelligently driven by the pedagogy in legal education. There is almost too much information to absorb here.

I refer you to the following for more information…

This podcast is 55 minutes and 19 seconds long.

Click the link to listen or right click to download the MP3 – MahargMcKellarBloxhmaBarton.mp3

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