Survey of Audio for Learning – Keep it Short!!!

A recent survey by Kineo of the use of audio for learning provides some insights for the law faculty podcasters.

You can listen to a Matt Fox of Kineo walk you through the survey results here.

The best tip …

…And a best practice tip? Make sure audio learning is sufficiently andsuitably chunked for non-linear usage – it makes for a flexible andlearner-centered model…

I couldn’t agree more. I believe that when we survey law students at the end of the Legal Education Podcasting Project, the majority will prefer the "weekly summary" model to the "recorded classes" model – primarily because these will be shorter and fewer. Students are efficient-learners and seek the shortest distance to the highest grade. This is not necessarily bad or wrong behavior. It will be difficult, however, to really measure this since students will not have access to both models within a single class.

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